Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day #1: Take-off

A few days ago, an old friend presented the opportunity to go cliff jumping at a lake that had formed in a rock quarry near my house. It was something that I’d never tried to do or had ever really considered as an enticing activity. However, I nonetheless soon found myself standing about twenty feet above the deep blue water, watching as my friend confidently threw himself out into the open air.

Looking back, two days later, I can’t help but draw very strong parallels to the journey that I am going to embark on in a few hours. There I stood on the very solid, predictable rock that is everything that I know. My entire physical being was fighting me to remaining planted here, safe and comfortable. However, a whispering yet very powerful voice in the back of my mind was urging me to fling myself into the unknown, unpredictable, and uncontrollable open space. That voice grew stronger and more confident, allowing me to overcome my reluctant body’s instinct to remain frozen in place. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I pushed off. In a blink, the wind rushed over my body, and with blood pounding in my ears, I plunged deep into the warm water.

With each of my following jumps, I became more confident and comfortable with this new experience, eventually climbing to new heights on the wet rocks. With each increasingly confident jump, I had to overcome the still powerful instinct to remain where I was. But with each one, the voice in the back of my mind became stronger and I began to realize just what I might be capable of.

It is my sincerest hope that this same mentality of endlessly striving to reach new heights carries over into my approaching adventure to Taiwan (and beyond). I will do all I can to convey to those of you reading the sheer beauty and endless opportunities presented to us in the fascinating places we plan to travel to. I wouldn’t be making this journey without the inspiration, reassurance, and strength of my beautiful partner in crime (the strawberry jelly to my peanut butter), Sar-bear. We stand here, poised on the precipice, holding hands and our breath and preparing to make this first of many leaps into the unknown.


  1. Dave and Sara,
    So exquisitely said. Truly inspirational. I knew you were a great guy Dave but this leaves me amazed and realize how blessed I am to have had you cross my path. You are lucky to have each other. Unconditional, supporting partner. Rare finds... treasures. I am anxious to continue to follow you guys on this journey and know I will learn so much from your experiences.

    Be safe....


  2. Great start to your blog! I'm looking forward to following your future adventures, guys!

    And why is she strawberry jelly, as opposed to say, raspberry? Or grape jelly? Or maybe honey? Just wondering.

  3. hah... Sara likes strawberries the most.
