Monday, October 4, 2010

So here I am, teetering on the tricky little edge known as the age of 25. The big quarter century! If you had asked me ten years ago what I'd be doing now, I guarantee my younger self's response would be quite different than the reality of where I am now. In no way am I complaining, however. I am traveling the world, stepping about as far out of my comfort zone as is possible; I have an incredible family who I am blessed to be in regular contact with; I have he best friends a person could ask for back in the States; I'm nearing, if not already in the best shape (physically and mentally) of my life; and finally, I have a gorgeous, supportive, adventurous woman beside me. In summary, I can confidently say that things are good!

I've heard of many people being unhappy with their inevitable approach to 25 years. It certainly isn't easy to look in the mirror and know that this moment is the youngest you'll ever be again. This thought is daunting for some and horrifying for others. I'd like to instead use it as motivation to ensure that for the next ten, twenty, fifty years, I don't waste time busy with endeavors or undertakings that aren't worthwhile.

I recently stumbled upon a very humorous (albeit crude) motivational video. It opens to a guy sitting with a placid lake behind him. He explains that he has discovered a series of three basic, fundamental quotes that, when combined, can be used in the most dire of situations or in the face of incredible opportunities:

This is it. (live in the present, as that is all that is in our control)
ex: When else will we get to try squid?

F*** it. (one way or another, there are very few things under our
ex: We might as well try to surf in the
Pacific Ocean.

It is what it is. (why stress yourself about how things have panned out?)
ex: So what if it's raining while our only
mode of transportation is a scooter?

Despite the very apparent light tone taken in the video, Ive found myself reflecting on this mantra over the last month. This moment is all we should concern ourselves with. Don't overthink things and lose out on opportunities, or do things you feel you shouldn't. How things turn out is how they turn out... simply do what you can!

Take it as you will, but as I watch yet another very full year of my life saunter away from me, I can't help but smile to myself, take a deep breath of this semi-fresh Taiwanese air, and think:

This is it. F*** it. It is what it is.

In case you're interested, here is the video that I referenced in the blog: