Here we are, teaching English in Taiwan for a year. Goal: experience life on the other side of the world, seeing, trying, and doing as much as our free time and finances will allow. Hopefully our posts will allow you to join us on our adventure. We certainly look forward to sharing it with you!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
2 Months In!
Monday, October 4, 2010
So here I am, teetering on the tricky little edge known as the age of 25. The big quarter century! If you had asked me ten years ago what I'd be doing now, I guarantee my younger self's response would be quite different than the reality of where I am now. In no way am I complaining, however. I am traveling the world, stepping about as far out of my comfort zone as is possible; I have an incredible family who I am blessed to be in regular contact with; I have he best friends a person could ask for back in the States; I'm nearing, if not already in the best shape (physically and mentally) of my life; and finally, I have a gorgeous, supportive, adventurous woman beside me. In summary, I can confidently say that things are good!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Week #4: Our First Typhoon
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Female Perspective
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Week #1: Standing out a bit...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day #2-3: Oddities & a Few Life Lessons
The past few days have taught me several things. Among these is the realization that Asian airlines treat their customers considerably better than all of the various American airlines. Also, despite what airport you’re in (aside from Seoul, South Korea), there will always be some amount of pee dribble in front of the urinal. Another is to always take a close look at your food before trying new things, as I discovered on our flight over the Pacific when I tried what I thought were crispy green beans with my Bi-Bim-Bop (a mixed rice, meat, and veggie dish) turned out to be very crunchy little fish, complete with tiny eyes.
Interestingly, our most painful and stressful travel experience throughout the nearly 40 hours of travel time was the initial check-in at O’Hare International. We had to wait for nearly an hour in line, only to have the “do-it-yourself touch screens” not accept our information. When we attempted to get one of the very few employees scurrying back and forth to help us, we were either ignore or dismissed with a sarcastic remark (at one point Sara said, “we have a small problem”, to which the employee responded, “well I woke up this morning with a problem, too!” and proceeded to walk away). Eventually we were redirected to another line for people to have their issues figured out by an actual employee. Apparently, because our tickets were one-way, the machine couldn’t process it. Taiwan (in fact, many Asian countries) generally do not allow people visiting to come into the country without having already purchased a ticket to leave. Along the same line of thought, in order for someone to have an extended stay, they are required to apply for a travel Visa from a Taiwanese Consulate or Foreign Affairs Office. We had done this before leaving, as it was a requirement for our jobs. We were told to apply for a 60-day Visitor Visa, as applying for a Work Visa from the U.S. is expensive and takes very long time. In order for to get the Visitor Visa we had to show that we had tickets into and out of Taiwan within that time frame, as well as provide a brief letter saying that we’re here to do some sightseeing and other traveling before leaving for China. Due to this strange way of doing things, we have essentially been required to lie about our plans while in Taiwan to people in the airports (we had one scare at O’Hare when it didn’t look as if they were going to let us get on the plane without first having an itinerary showing we had tickets out of Taiwan. Fortunately, we pointed out that we needed to have this to even get the Visas in the first place, and we were allowed to continue). All of these minor headaches basically come down to the very backwards way that it seems the Taiwanese government goes about doing things, although come to think of it, I suppose the good ol’ U.S. of A. isn’t always particularly well organized either.
To our parents who are reading this, don’t freak out, but it is technically illegal in Taiwan to teach English to kindergarten-aged children. This has to do with people feeling that the children should have a very solid base knowledge of their own language and culture before another. Despite this, it is common knowledge and generally accepted that most children end up learning English at this age. In fact, we had lunch with some teachers from the school where we’ll be teaching and they said that some government officials made a visit recently. They called quite some time in advance with the exact day and time of their visit, which gave the school time to switch out all the books and materials from the kindergarten classroom, and on the day of the visit, the English teachers got to have the day off. It is common knowledge that many, if not almost all of the government officials who make these visits have their own children in similar schools. This is yet another example of the strange way things are done around here.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day #1: Take-off
A few days ago, an old friend presented the opportunity to go cliff jumping at a lake that had formed in a rock quarry near my house. It was something that I’d never tried to do or had ever really considered as an enticing activity. However, I nonetheless soon found myself standing about twenty feet above the deep blue water, watching as my friend confidently threw himself out into the open air.
Looking back, two days later, I can’t help but draw very strong parallels to the journey that I am going to embark on in a few hours. There I stood on the very solid, predictable rock that is everything that I know. My entire physical being was fighting me to remaining planted here, safe and comfortable. However, a whispering yet very powerful voice in the back of my mind was urging me to fling myself into the unknown, unpredictable, and uncontrollable open space. That voice grew stronger and more confident, allowing me to overcome my reluctant body’s instinct to remain frozen in place. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and I pushed off. In a blink, the wind rushed over my body, and with blood pounding in my ears, I plunged deep into the warm water.
With each of my following jumps, I became more confident and comfortable with this new experience, eventually climbing to new heights on the wet rocks. With each increasingly confident jump, I had to overcome the still powerful instinct to remain where I was. But with each one, the voice in the back of my mind became stronger and I began to realize just what I might be capable of.
It is my sincerest hope that this same mentality of endlessly striving to reach new heights carries over into my approaching adventure to Taiwan (and beyond). I will do all I can to convey to those of you reading the sheer beauty and endless opportunities presented to us in the fascinating places we plan to travel to. I wouldn’t be making this journey without the inspiration, reassurance, and strength of my beautiful partner in crime (the strawberry jelly to my peanut butter), Sar-bear. We stand here, poised on the precipice, holding hands and our breath and preparing to make this first of many leaps into the unknown.